Sunday, February 23, 2020

17.  JACOB STAMM CARL (1839-1910)


Obituary in a Pipestone, MN Newspaper the week of Jan. 8-14, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Johannsen, Jr., of this county, were called to Luverne last week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Johannsen's father, the late Jacob S.Carl.  The latter was visiting with a daughter at Moscow, Idaho, when he passed away suddenly a week ago last Tuesday.  The remains were  brought back to Luverne for burial, the deceased having resided for some years in Rock County.  The funeral services were held last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Thielman, a daughter of the deceased.

Mr. Carl was born in Germany and was nearly seventy-two years of age at the time of his death, leaving two sons and five daughters to mourn his departure from this life.

The remains of Jacob Stamm Carl, a highly esteemed resident of Rock County who died suddenly on Tuesday last week at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Fust, at Moscow, Idaho, arrived at Luverne Monday and were taken to the home of the deceased daughter, Mrs. Herman Thielman, in Mound Township.  The funeral services, conducted by Rev. Peithmann, were held from the Thielman home at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and the remains were brought to Luverne and placed in the vault at Maplewood.  The deceased two sons, Geo. and Adolph Carl; his three son-in-laws, Henry and Herman Thielman and Claus Johannsen, and his grandson, Herman Thielman, Jr., acted at pall bearers.

Mr. Carl was born in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany on Feb. 11, 1839, and at the age of twenty-seven was united in marriage to Miss Anna Albers.  He continued to live in Germany until 1889, when he immigrated, with his family, to Rock County, taking up his residence on a farm in Springwater.  Mr. Carl continued actively engaged in farming in Rock County until 1901, when he moved to Hardwick.  In April 1907, Mrs. Carl passed, and from that time he made his home with his son, Adolph Carl.

The deceased is survived by two sons, Geo. Carl, of this city, and Adolph Carl, of Hardwick, and five daughters, Mrs. Herman Thielman and Mrs. Henry Thielman of Mound Township; Mrs. Claus Johannsen, Pipestone; Mrs. Bertha Fust of Moscow, Idaho; and Mrs. Maggie Albers of Canada.  

Last spring Mr. Carl went to Moscow for an extended visit with his daughter and he was in the best health apparently, almost until the day of his death.  Christmas day he was up and around the house and was in an exceptionally happy frame of mind, but the following day he remained in his room owing to a cold.  His condition was not thought serious, but Tuesday noon when Mrs. Fust brought his dinner up to him, she found her father dead, death being due to heart failure.


Page 12, Record No. 480

JACOB S. T. CARL -- Date of Death -- Dec. 27, 1910; Male; White: Age 71 at Last Birthday; Single (Sic Widower); Place of death -- Near Genesee; Birthplace -- Germany; Returned by J. Aspry.  (These columns were not filled in:  Cause of Death, Residence, Occupation, Names of Father and Mother and Their Birthplaces, and Informant.)




BORN FEB. 11, 1839

DIED DEC. 27, 1910

Jacob Carl is buried beside Anna C. Carl, Apr. 18, 1836-Apr. 8, 1907, and Minna Carl, Jan. 15, 1902-Apr. 27, 1907.  Minna was Anna Wilhelmina Carl, 5-year-old daughter of Adolph and Mary (Stroeh) Carl.  

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