Thursday, February 20, 2020


In 1903 Jacob and Anna, empty nesters who courageously sacrificed so much for the American dream for their children, grandchildren, and later generations, were living in the village of Hardwick, Rock County, Minnesota.  At age 70, our great-grandmother, Annie Albers Carl, passed away on April 8, 1907, at home in Hardwick, leaving her husband of some sixty years.  Her obituary said that her "health had been poor the last twenty years, and for some time past, it has been known that death would be the only relief."

Our great-grandfather, Jacob Carl, who was widowed at age 68, went to Latah County, Idaho, near Genesee, for an extended visit with his daughter, Bertha and William Fust and family in the spring of 1910.  There he had the opportunity to get reacquainted with his grandchildren:  Marie, Jacob, Rosa, Alfred, and Huldah.  Unfortunately, that was where he died on December 27, 1910, at nearly 72 years of age, about a week before Grandma Fust gave birth to her sixth born, Raymond William. That must have been a very trying time for our grandparents and the older Fust children.

Quoting Grandma's words in his obituary:  "He was in the best health apparently, almost to the day of his death.  Christmas Day he was up and around the house and was in an exceptionally happy frame of mind, but the following day he remained in his room, owing to a cold.  His condition was not thought serious, but Tuesday noon when Mrs. Fust brought his dinner up to him, she found her father dead, death being due to heart failure."  His remains were sent by train to Luverne, Minnesota, for his funeral.  He was buried beside his wife Annie in Maplewood Cemetery in Luverne, Minnesota.

  ( Their obituaries and facts from their death records can be found in Stories 16 and 17 on this blog site.)

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